Top Mysterious Places in India to visit in 2023

Top Mysterious Places in India to Visit in 2023

Hello Friends, In which their culture is also different from everyone and the culture of India is also different. India is full of mysteries which have some unseen and some unresolved mysteries.

Top Mysterious Places in India to visit in 2023
Mysterious Places in India to visit in 2023

Our country has many mysterious places like Magnetic Hill, Twins Town in Kerala, Red Rain in Kerala, Jatinga Valley, and The Skeleton Take of Roopkund. Gyankunj is also a big secret. Which seems impossible to find out. Even scientists are unable, to tell the truth of this.


Magnetic hill

Magnetic Hill is also a mysterious place worth visiting in India. On a roads in Leh, the capital of Magnetic Hill Ladhak, there is something about which people talk differently. People also connected it to Divine Power. Some people believe that this was a way to heaven. If a person has not sinned, this path will lead him to an ally. This illusion often leads to the perception that objects, including vehicles, are rolling uphill against gravity.

Magnetic Hill is also a mysterious place worth visiting in India. On a roads in Leh, the capital of Magnetic Hill Ladhak, there is something about which people talk differently.
Magnetic Hill

But for some time, people also believed that a magnetic effect is very much on them, due to which people are attracted towards themselves. However, it turned out that plastic products such as water bottles were also affected, and this effect was also misunderstood.

The last detected is optical illusions. It’s a kind of illusion that what we feel isn’t happening. If you think you’re walking on top of a mountain (top), you’re going downhill. It is revealed by looking at its geography design.


Twins Town

One of the village of Kerala, whose name is Kodinhi, has a twin child. We all think that 1-2 will be left but not. He has over 300 twins left. In which he has from 1 to 70 years ahead of him. Scientists of India and scientists from many outside countries come here to know this. Some scientists believed that twins are the reason for people’s food, but that theory also turned out to be wrong. Catering to these people is like all other villages. So far scientists have not been able to answer why these twins are children.

Top Mysterious Places in India to Visit in 2023

These people also had a lot of problems, such as in school and at the time of marriage. Even if the health of a child is good, both of them will be ill. The triplets have also been children some time ago. Really, this is a mysterious place.


Red Rain

The red rain which happened in Kerala is a very strange thing, which not only India, but the whole world surprised. It is a matter that the weather was very bad on that day of 5 July 2001. His people got scared and he felt rained blood. It was going to rain. It rained but it turned red. Whose blood rain began to be spoken. The scientist first said that some dust particles must have been found in them. Due to which their color became red.

Top Mysterious Places in India to visit in 2023

When the scientist tested the blood rain test, it told that it was not dusty. Say there is living particle in it. Could not tell what is there. Even today, information about the particle comes out of this strange. In 2012, Dr. Rajkumar Gangappa and Sir Stuart Hogg did their research when they studied with their red water particle. It turns out that there is DNA in it. But till date it is not known what it is. Even today scientists do research what is this particle and try to solve this mystery.


Jatinga Valley

Jatinga Village is in South Assam. The greenery and mountains are very beautiful which is a very beautiful place. A lot of tourists also come to him because in September to November, he spends 40 species of birds on his own. That people have their own different story. Some people consider it sharp and some add it. Some people have also believed that they are some soul due to which birds are killed. It is known for a mysterious phenomenon known as the “Jatinga bird suicides” or “Jatinga phenomenon.”


Top Mysterious Places in India to visit in 2023

A lot of famous expert Anwaruddin Chaudhary has written a book related to this incident. In The Birds of Assam, it is told that when birds come to Jatinga after breaking their nest. For he goes on in search of light. He was foggy, surrounded inside and surrounded by forest. With which he collided with something or died. From which that place became a tourist place and he started going to tourist, researchers, specialist. He said that the government started calling it the Jatinga Mahaotsav in view of its popularity.

Even today, no one can tell why birds do suicide because they all give their own different theory. The Jatinga Valley has become a tourist attraction, with visitors coming to witness the phenomenon and study the birds. The Jatinga bird mystery refers to a phenomenon where migratory birds are believed to become disoriented and exhibit strange behavior, leading them to fly towards the village of Jatinga.


The Skeleton Lake of Roopkund

Uttarakhand is a symbol of attraction in itself. It has greenery, snow, weather and mountains of that. With all these reasons, millions of people go to visit him. Roopkund is a mysterious place. To whom Skeleton Lake is also spoken. It is under the Trishul mountain in Jamuli district in Uttarakhand. It is an elliptical lake. The skeletons at Roopkund were first discovered in 1942 by a British forest guard during a patrol. It was found that the lake contained hundreds of skeletons, estimated to be around 500 to 600 in number.

The Skeleton Lake of Roopkund
The Skeleton Lake of Roopkund

There is a lot of story on this matter that when mother Nanda got thirsty and she told this to Shiva. He made a kund with the stroke of his trident and the mother Nanda saw the water and his face. Due to which he started to be called Roopkund. It is also a symbol of faith. It is also believed that when Mother Nanda Devi got angry, fearing that. King Yashdaval decided not to worship her and to visit her. He went to Roopkund while traveling and it is believed that his queen was pregnant at that time. The storm came from the anger of Mother Nanda Devi. All the people were killed and the skeleton is the same.


Other Story

Some people believe that these skeletons belong to the people who died from an epidemic. Some people believe that they belong to the army people and are coming back from the war of Tibet.

At first people believed that these people are army by chanting. After the world war, he got trapped and died in the storm.

The people of also worship Roopkund. They are worshiped in the whole, they are talked about in all. Scientists are still searching for what truth is there in this matter.

Top Mysterious Places in India to visit in 2023
Mysterious Places in India to visit in 2023

This place is really a mysterious places in India and worth visiting. How much truth is there in this matter, it will be known further.

What was the reason for red rain in Kerala?
The secret of the red rain in Kerala has not been told till date, but many scientists find DNA in it.


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