What is the truth behind Bermuda Triangle mystery?

Hello friends, The whole country is full of mysteries. There are many such places that are very different places in themselves. You will see in it that people have created a story related to this place and Scientist has given a theory for this place. One such place is in the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the truth behind Bermuda Triangle mystery?
Bermuda Triangle mystery


What is Bermuda Triangle?

This is where Florida starts in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and is in the Triangle shape. It is also called Devil’s Triangle. It touches America, Europe and the Caribbean Islands. In the Bermuda Triangle, ships, cruises, airplanes are lost in a very mysterious way. We will more learn about the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. The first time, in the year 1498, when Christopher Columbus was passing through it, he also felt something strange. Scientific theories of Bermuda Triangle.

What is the truth behind Bermuda Triangle mystery?
Bermuda Triangle mystery

He told this in his book that his compass had stopped working. 1964 Vincent Gaddis has also said that after this departure, this cruise of the people stops working. Many problems start. Hence it is called Devil Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle gained its reputation due to a combination of sensationalized media coverage and various unexplained disappearances that occurred in the area.


Some Incidents That Happened in the Bermuda Triangle

Some popular theories include magnetic anomalies, rogue waves, underwater methane hydrates, and human error. However, there is no conclusive scientific evidence to support any of these theories. Over the years, many stories and myths have been associated with the Bermuda Triangle, suggesting that it is a place of paranormal or extraterrestrial activity.

What is the truth behind Bermuda Triangle mystery?
Bermuda Triangle mystery
  • In August 1942, when a plane of the US Air Force passed through it, it lost contact with the radio. The compass stopped working and was not detected later. A rescue team was sent for his 2 days. But they too had the same condition.
  • In December 1942, another ship of that army passed by and the same happened to him. His radio signal was broken and the compass did not work. Then a rescue team went to see him and he did not even know anything. Many such passenger aeroplanes, aircraft, cruises, ships have gone to this Bermuda Triangle.
  • Bruce Gernon was alive in 1970 from the Bermuda Triangle. He told that the compass would have stopped working after he left. Seems like a strange storm and passing through the clouds. He told that he started walking without stopping the aeroplane. He told me that radio frequencies do not work. He fixed the distance of 150 less in about 3 minutes. In which his speed was 3000km/h. It is not possible to have a passenger aeroplane and told that some did not know that he was running at such a speed.
  • All the planes that have left are the ones that are in the last location and do not tell anything further. Their radio frequencies also do not work. The compass did not do at all. At that time there were many problems without compass. These problems have been seen in everyone.

Many Story Related to Bermuda Triangle

  • Some people believe that these aliens come and their power is present. Some people believe that there is a protector on them, which catches them as they come from.
  • Some people had even spoken to this, but this is the way to go to another world. UFO has also been released.
  • There is also a story when Lord Hanuman goes to Lanka to find Goddess Sita, only then he gets a guard. They can catch the shadows and stop them and eat them. It is also believed that she has the same power and the daughter of that man is on her. Those who were afraid went away.
  • There is a different story on him from the side of the people.


Scientific theories

Scientist Gyan J Quasar said that he has an electromagnetic anomaly for which the compass does not work.And told that when he goes through this place in Aeroplanes, he becomes an accident because of being a fog. Which can be called electronic fog. There is an expandent that methane bubbles are formed due to the creatura in that water. Which can disbalance the ship. Which causes an accident with the ship. Someone believed that there is a very heavy storm, from which aeroplanes to cruises are also destroyed.

There is also a deep ocean in the area of Bermuda Triangle. In which, after the departure of this ship, there is no trace of them. It is believed that there is a volcano under the Devil Triangle and it explodes. Due to which its density works, the ship and the aeroplanes deteriorate. Because all of these ships are made according to the density of water. There are also small mountains among the Devil Triangle and when the wind blows, they go after the movement.From which comes the cyclone which is brown for both the Aeroplanes and the ship.

It is also believed that the Ocean, which is an ocean, has small mountains inside and it collides and becomes an accident.Now after the arrival of sonar and radar, they are not accident. Earlier they were not able to detect them, but now it is not so. Hexagonal cloud is also the cloud on it. Which is spread over a large area. They become tunnels in a way. Which are completely surrounded by fog. There is a storm inside it and also very strong wind. Which can break any airplane.



Many movies related to the Bermuda Triangle have also been made. Many authors have also written the book.
It is to speak of the American Coast Guard Army that it is not a magic thing and it is all accident. Some are natural because of the mistake of humans.

It is believed that they do not serve any such thing and after all the feasts, Atlantic Ocean is used.



The Bermuda Triangle (1978), RiffTrax: The Bermuda Triangle (2012), The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters Season 1 (2022), The Bermuda Triangle (2022), Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle (2018), Bermuda Triangle: The New Secrets Season 1 (2019)

What is the truth behind Bermuda Triangle mystery?
Bermuda Triangle mystery

Is it okay to pass through the Bermuda Triangle?
By the way, this is a natural place and passing through it is not free from danger. We can’t tamper with this. So it is good to stay away from this place.


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